Tom decoys


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2008
Reaction score
Wears Valley
I have never hunted with a full strut decoy. Always used the jake and two hen set up. My question is, does anyone use the full strut and should I vary my decoys when I put them out. Is one combination of hens and jakes or hens and struttin tom more successful than the other.
Watch the video that Stoner posted below "King of the Roost".

That's pretty solid proof that they can work.

I don't hunt fields much either, so I've never tried it.
VolDoug said:
Watch the video that Stoner posted below "King of the Roost".

That's pretty solid proof that they can work.

I don't hunt fields much either, so I've never tried it.

With the experiences i have had they run into old B-mobile
I use mine when hunting fields. I use a strutting jake with a hen that has bedded down just a few yards in front of him. Works great.
they work good when the burds are right i usually break ol pretty boy out mid way through the season!