Tony Stewart fans?


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2002
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Millington, TN
What does everyone think of Tony Stewart?

I have't kept up with racing enough to know who's who (except Dale Jr and Jeff Gordon, my neighbors' faves). But now that my wife is somewhat interested in NASCAR, I guess I'll be watching a few races.
Great driver, not afraid to say what he really thinks, doesn't seem to care what people think. I think NASCAR could use a few more like him.
TheAirMan said:
Great driver, not afraid to say what he really thinks, doesn't seem to care what people think. I think NASCAR could use a few more like him.

Second that! Smoke is a heckofa driver!
I used to be a Stewart fan before he even drove these cars, back when he tested the first indy car at Charlotte the night of the allstar race.

He left those cars to race a more competitive breed. He started out incredible, and I was a huge supporter. But he has since lost me. He has done some incredibly hypocritical and stupid things in his short career. NOTHING is EVER his fault also :rolleyes:.

And he's not yet won this season, so it'd kind of either he buckles down and starts to win, or everyone keeps an eye over their shoulder cause he will pop soon.
NCST8GUY said:
I used to be a Stewart fan before he even drove these cars, back when he tested the first indy car at Charlotte the night of the allstar race.

He left those cars to race a more competitive breed. He started out incredible, and I was a huge supporter. But he has since lost me. He has done some incredibly hypocritical and stupid things in his short career. NOTHING is EVER his fault also :rolleyes:.

And he's not yet won this season, so it'd kind of either he buckles down and starts to win, or everyone keeps an eye over their shoulder cause he will pop soon.

Same here . Big fan when he drove IRL and first came into NASCAR . His spilt personality turned me away as a fan .
I like what little I've seen/heard of Stewart in the past. I just never kept up with it that much since I only watched the race on a rare occasion. But I just might consider myself a fan.

One of my neighbors is a Jeff Gordon fan and another is a Dale Jr fan. So when talking NASCAR I just throw Stewart in the mix just to balance things out. :D

My wife likes the M&Ms driver/car. :D
You becoming a Stewart fan and your wife being a Kyle fan should work out really well.

As for Smoke not winning a race yet this year, Tony doesnt start winning races each year until June.

Sounds like you guys are just getting into Nascar, and Thank God you didnt fall onto the Jr bandwagon that 90% of his fanbase came So give your neighbors a hard time, but keep it fun and respectible, that is half the fun of Nascar!
backstraps said:
Sounds like you guys are just getting into Nascar, and Thank God you didnt fall onto the Jr bandwagon that 90% of his fanbase came So give your neighbors a hard time, but keep it fun and respectible, that is half the fun of Nascar!

Yeah, we are starting to get into it more, thanks to my wife's dad. I've sort of kept up with it in the past just surfing the net, but now I'm actually paying attention to the races.

I found it hilarious that Jeff Gordon and Dale Jr got on the same team. I'm sure that made things interesting for all the Jr/Gordon fans. :D

I found it hilarious that Jeff Gordon and Dale Jr got on the same team. I'm sure that made things interesting for all the Jr/Gordon fans. :D[/quote]

I was thinking the same thing... my dad is a Jeffery fan, and one of my best buds is a Jr fan... it was funny hearing each of them explain the thoughts on the situation! Funny thing was neither of them right turns out! lol
A friend at work has a daughter that works for Hendricks , and the rumor is that Tony will drive the 5 car next year .
Radar said:
A friend at work has a daughter that works for Hendricks , and the rumor is that Tony will drive the 5 car next year .

That would just be crazy. 4 of the top drivers in nascar on the same team good lord.
My inlaw told me that she's heard that this might be his last year racing, saying that he has ownership of another car.

Who knows?
moondawg said:
My inlaw told me that she's heard that this might be his last year racing, saying that he has ownership of another car.

Who knows?

He is seeking a driver/ownership deal , apparently with Hendricks . Jeff Gordon has part ownership of the #48 car .
I heard he was making a deal with Haas and it was pretty close to being completed and rumors had that there was a couple of drivers to go with him as in Ryan Newman?