Top 10 list


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2004
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collinwood tn
I was thinking about how my mind gets a little crazy during turkey season. My family has learned , i guess to over look my addiction. I made a list of things that might say you have a problem. Please add your own. #10. Pre dawn scouting weeks befor season.#9. Cant carry on a conversation outside bcause every time a crow calls or loud noise, you tell everyone to shhhhish.#8. You carry a wet suit hunting so you can cross a large stream that is up because of a flood.( you swim ,wade stream anyway because you for got waders). #7. waiting out a thunderstorm and the hair on your arms and neck start to stand. #6.Go ahead and decide to hunt when you have a bad stomach virus.#5 Sitting on an edge of a field no back support for over and hour. Because turkeys have busted you. every muscle in your body is shakeing even your eye balls. Then belly crawl a 1/4 mile to get back in front of them.#4. going for a quick hunt bfor church, tell wife " be back befor yall get up". Then miss church and sunday dinner. #3. Go for a quick evening hunt to glass fields return home after 9pm because a tom roosted close by and you didnt want to spook him.#2. Hunting past 3pm and realizing you havent ate or drank anything all day. #1. Have a large black snake crawl across your lap on a set up, and you dont move because the ole gobbler is almost in gun range.( happen to my buddy)

My list could go on and on. Cant wait till the madness starts.
hahahah #9 literally had me rolling because that is so true. The more into season it gets the worse i am about it too.

#1 is also so true, I have had more then a few times i had a big spider crawling on me but the tom was just around the corner so i just let him be. If you knew my fear of spiders it would mean even more.

#1 for me is your truck looks like a bum has been living in it due to all the empty water bottles and clothes piled up in the back seat.
you forgot sleepin in the back of your friends truck so he wouldnt leave without you.
Preston Pitman had my favorite, roosted a gobbler one evening that he had been hunting all season. Slept in the woods that night, killed him when he hit the ground at daylight.
I'm a middle school english teacher. Around this time of the year, all of the sentences I put on the board have a turkey hunting theme. Lets just say the kids are ready for the season to get here. :D