

Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2009
Reaction score
johnson city,TN
Does anyone know if vultures/turkey hawks make a similar track as a turkey? My turkey spot has a freeking nest of vultures nearby and they sit in the tree all day, now I don't know if I'm looking at tom tracks or vultures lol.




Are you hearing any birds? BTW, google search shows a vulture track exactly like a turkey.

lol I didn't smell them but they are all over the place. I bet there were at least 20 in one tree. There are also 2 huge nests with what look like cranes sitting in them. The vultures hardly move they just sit there all day and occasionally flap their wings or make a hacking sound like a bad smokers cough lol. I've also seen a bunch of woodpeckers, more than I've seen in one place before, squirrels everywhere and this morning I saw deer running around. I could hear a bunch of gobbles but they shut up at about 8am lol.
xjjeeperx said:
lol I didn't smell them but they are all over the place. I bet there were at least 20 in one tree. There are also 2 huge nests with what look like cranes sitting in them. The vultures hardly move they just sit there all day and occasionally flap their wings or make a hacking sound like a bad smokers cough lol. I've also seen a bunch of woodpeckers, more than I've seen in one place before, squirrels everywhere and this morning I saw deer running around. I could hear a bunch of gobbles but they shut up at about 8am lol.
Start looking for the ark or the big fence of the zoo thats holding them all there lol jk seriously sounds like you have found a honey whole for whatever season your hunting in lol
Those are not turkey tracks, and are not heron tracks either. Herons usually show their back toe and their foot is much bigger than that. The angle of the 2 side toes gives it away as non-turkey. Since turkeys are primarily a ground walking bird their toes stick almost straight out to the sides with the one middle toe being straight for support.
Setterman said:
Those are not turkey tracks, and are not heron tracks either. Herons usually show their back toe and their foot is much bigger than that. The angle of the 2 side toes gives it away as non-turkey. Since turkeys are primarily a ground walking bird their toes stick almost straight out to the sides with the one middle toe being straight for support.

Right on
xjjeeperx said:
lol I didn't smell them but they are all over the place. I bet there were at least 20 in one tree. There are also 2 huge nests with what look like cranes sitting in them. The vultures hardly move they just sit there all day and occasionally flap their wings or make a hacking sound like a bad smokers cough lol. I've also seen a bunch of woodpeckers, more than I've seen in one place before, squirrels everywhere and this morning I saw deer running around. I could hear a bunch of gobbles but they shut up at about 8am lol.
What color are the "cranes"?
They were white. They have big long legs like a crane and an S shape to their necks. There were 2 huge nests they were sitting on in the tree with the buzzards.
xjjeeperx said:
They were white. They have big long legs like a crane and an S shape to their necks. There were 2 huge nests they were sitting on in the tree with the buzzards.
Bingo, if they had crooked necks they were probably egrets(sandhills have straight necks), and very likely candidates as your trackmakers, particularly when the area in which they made the tracks was likely water covered not long ago, egrets being water birds.
I found a vulture nest in a very small cave in my public land turkey spot last year. It was just after spring squirrel opened and I was squirrel poppin with a friend and found a cave and crawled in. Cave had 2 openings and nearing the exit I found a fresh hatched vulture hissing/growling and another egg with the baby pecking a hole in it. When I came out of the cave my friend had seen a big vulture fly out the other end when I went in. Strangely I did not smell anything bad that I can remember.