Tree Saddle


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2001
Reaction score
Kansas City, Mo.
I'm going to hunt out of it this afternoon . I have been practicing out of it for a few months now ,and can shoot pretty good out of it . Now it's time to see how comfortable it is to sit in for a few hours . :sleep:
I sat in mine this morning for the first hunt. Was a little hard on the feet due to the climbing steps digging in which caused me to move a little more than normal. Maybe heavies sole boots would work better. I think I would like it better for rifle due to the movement factor and being off the trails more. Let me know what you think. Also I had to find a skinnier tree than I'm used to.
Mine is a little too large for me and tended to cut into my ribs some , the strap on steps were uncomfortable on my feet too . I'll be sitting in another stand in the morning .
Try adjusting the stap to allow you to be more in a sitting position. It will take some weight off your feet.