Tree Stands


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2008
Reaction score
Mackinac Co, MI / Houston Co, TN
Just a quick question and I'm sure it has been asked before. Can you hunt turkeys in the spring from a tree stand? I have an area with a pond that the turkeys come into and my deer hunting stand is right there. Don't want to be a violator. Thanks in advance.
All good.

That being said, if it's a lock on or climber and you are exposed, they will pick you off in a tree faster than if you are at ground level of there is a little cover to hide in. If it's an enclosed shoothouse, they won't have a clue you are there.
To be frank though, there was just a whole season back a couple months ago to deer hunt…now I like to kill a turkey just about anyway I can, but climbing up in a tree and sitting there takes what makes Turkey hunting so enjoyable completely away…I'd rather not kill them than sit in a climber or box stand to kill one. In fact, it's cheaper just to go to the store and buy a turkey if it's just the meat your after. My two cents though.
To be frank though, there was just a whole season back a couple months ago to deer hunt…now I like to kill a turkey just about anyway I can, but climbing up in a tree and sitting there takes what makes Turkey hunting so enjoyable completely away…I'd rather not kill them than sit in a climber or box stand to kill one. In fact, it's cheaper just to go to the store and buy a turkey if it's just the meat your after. My two cents though.
Lol…hell it's always cheaper to buy a butterball at Krogers…lol…but it's not nearly as satisfying as spending all that time and money for all the hunting paraphernalia…and hearing that close by thundering gobble is priceless…hey Kroger needs to install a shock gobbler in the poultry section…lol