Any of you use the sidewinder by Trophy Ridge. I am convinced that there is not a better broadhead.
I had my 5th hunt of the year this morning. I had hunted 3 mornings, and 1 evening so far without seeing a deer. I was in a tree that I have killed 5 deer out of. At around 9:00 a.m. the deer movement was turned on. I saw several deer (approx 9), but didn't get a shot on any of them. One actually was on a ridgeside 60 or so yrds. from me snorting at something (I am convinced it wasn't me). I was dissapointed, because I thought that my morning hunt was done. About 10 minutes later, here came 3 deer. Two yearlings (without spots) and mama doe. These deer were not with the ones I seen 10 min. before, and I am wondering if they were what the other deer where snorting at??? The two yearlings came directly under me with the lead deer silhoueting me (or however you spell it). Mama deer was approximately 16 steps from me, but she was facing me. I was approximately 20 ft. up the poplar. She was turned just enough that I knew that I could make a shot and hit some vitals. First deer excitement got the best of me, and my freezer is empty.
I took the shot, and judging on the sound of the hit, and my lumenoc glowing when she turned to run, I knew that the hit was high. I stayed on stand for an hour and 15 minutes before getting down to start the track.
I went over to where she stood expecting to not see blood initially, but there was blood. I trailed this deer through a holler, and up a slight ridge (all hardwoods) on a really decent blood trail. When I got to 150 yards, I found the back portion of my arrow and the blood stopped. I felt really dissapointed, but started doing my circles around the last point. I found her piled up approx 30 yards from the last spot of blood. She was already stiff. I'm pretty certain that this deer expired at full sprint due to her being stiff when I found her 1.5 hrs after the shot.
I let the first deer of the year excitement lure me into a shot that I knew that I could make (and kill her), but led to a little nervousness and a farther track than I normally like. I'm just thankful that the sidewinder compensated for my excitement led shot.
I will try to post pics of the wound later tonight.
Been using the sidewinder for 4 years now. Killed 6 deer with them. All of the deer fell in sight except the one today.
You guys can have the rage and swackers and all of those, but I'm a sidewinder believer!!!
I had my 5th hunt of the year this morning. I had hunted 3 mornings, and 1 evening so far without seeing a deer. I was in a tree that I have killed 5 deer out of. At around 9:00 a.m. the deer movement was turned on. I saw several deer (approx 9), but didn't get a shot on any of them. One actually was on a ridgeside 60 or so yrds. from me snorting at something (I am convinced it wasn't me). I was dissapointed, because I thought that my morning hunt was done. About 10 minutes later, here came 3 deer. Two yearlings (without spots) and mama doe. These deer were not with the ones I seen 10 min. before, and I am wondering if they were what the other deer where snorting at??? The two yearlings came directly under me with the lead deer silhoueting me (or however you spell it). Mama deer was approximately 16 steps from me, but she was facing me. I was approximately 20 ft. up the poplar. She was turned just enough that I knew that I could make a shot and hit some vitals. First deer excitement got the best of me, and my freezer is empty.
I took the shot, and judging on the sound of the hit, and my lumenoc glowing when she turned to run, I knew that the hit was high. I stayed on stand for an hour and 15 minutes before getting down to start the track.
I went over to where she stood expecting to not see blood initially, but there was blood. I trailed this deer through a holler, and up a slight ridge (all hardwoods) on a really decent blood trail. When I got to 150 yards, I found the back portion of my arrow and the blood stopped. I felt really dissapointed, but started doing my circles around the last point. I found her piled up approx 30 yards from the last spot of blood. She was already stiff. I'm pretty certain that this deer expired at full sprint due to her being stiff when I found her 1.5 hrs after the shot.
I let the first deer of the year excitement lure me into a shot that I knew that I could make (and kill her), but led to a little nervousness and a farther track than I normally like. I'm just thankful that the sidewinder compensated for my excitement led shot.
I will try to post pics of the wound later tonight.
Been using the sidewinder for 4 years now. Killed 6 deer with them. All of the deer fell in sight except the one today.
You guys can have the rage and swackers and all of those, but I'm a sidewinder believer!!!