Tru Glo Power Dot bow sight

I've been looking for some reviews on this as well. I've used holographic sights on rifles before and the quality ones work great. I might give this one a shot if I can find some good reviews. I guess no one here has tried it. :(
Yeah jw it looks that way. I had an Eotech holographic on a Mathews Black Max years ago. It eliminated need for a peep sight and kisser button. Was hoping that the Power Dot would do the same.
They are very cool! It's basically the same theory as an HHA moveable sight, but with an illuminated red dot. It does not eliminate the need for a peep sight, and they are a little heavy but overall every one we've sold seemed to work very well.
Well, I finally found some reviews on the TruGlo (I think it was on archerytalk). They were mostly negative - complaints about the lens quality and weight. After looking at many reviews on the SABO, it really had my attention - enough so that I ordered one last night. I'll try to post up some sort of review on the SABO when I get it from the big brown truck and get it dialed in.