Tube Calls


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2005
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Anybody use a tube call? I have had one now for a few months and it has be the hardest call to use that I have ever seen. I know some people that can really make one sing but I am having a hard time. My main reason for wanting one is for jake gobbling. If anyone has any suggestions or tips I would be greatful.
i use one quite a bit, not a PRO at it but same as you I know a few guys that can make it sound absolutely PERFECT!!

i can work it decent, have killed a few birds using it but agree it was by far the hardest call to learn to use. Took me 3 years of working with it to feel confident in taking it out to the woods.

suggestions? keep practicing is about all i got. I equate it to feed calling on a duck call. You have to hit the "diga,diga,dig/tica,tica,tica" as fast as you can while starting HIGH and decreasing in pitch.

the right tube and reed makes a HUGE difference as well. Find one that fits you mouth where no air leaks out the sides or top of the reed. i have about 10 different tubes but can only really call on about 4 of them, for some reason the others just dont fit right.

i know that is not alot of help but it is a hard call to have suggestions...

what issues are you having on yours, that may be a good starting point
bought one for the same reason to sound like a jake gobbleing. Lost it last year in the woods and will not replace it. Learned how to do the same thing with a mouth call. check out u tube that is where I learned to do it.
Try a widow maker from Kight and Hale I love mine and wont go in the woods without it.I can make all the calls with one except purring but I mostly use it to gobble and fire up a lone bird it is real loud and a great locator.I would suggest that you put it up to your mouth like a kid drinking a Pepsi bottle you know fish lip it pull your bottom lip up a bit and try saying chee uk several time like with all calls though pratice makes perfect.