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Tumbling brass

I've heard that Brasso is not the best thing to use with tumbling because it contains ammonia, which will actually react with the brass and make it more brittle.
SNIPER 7MM said:
do you tumble brass with the spent primer still in it?


I tumble with a bit of polish added to the media before depriming. I find the clean brass resizes easier with little or no lube. No media in the primer pocket. This is large quantities of straight wall pistol brass.
I tumble as well with spent primers. Clean brass before I resize for me. Plus as others stated, decapping will clean out the media.
I deprime first then tumble. Get's all the case lube off and cleans out the graphite. I always make sure the media is out of the flash hole when I clean out the primer pockets.
I use a universal de-capper, then brush clean the primer pocket and tumble(treated media) to have a clean case to size. I use a wound guitar string to get the corn cob chunks out of flash hole. But,one hundred cases would be a big batch for me since I don't do pistol(yet).

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