Turkey Broadheads

Grizzly Johnson

Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2008
Reaction score
What are you guys using.... Do you use anything behind the braodhead to take advantage of the KE to inflict even more knockdown?
I bought last year some rocket broad heads that were for turkey but I didn't like how they flew so this year im just going to shoot rage same ones I use for deer.
I am going to give the Swhacker a shot at turkeys this year. Normally I just ise the G5 Striker but I'm gonna give the swhacker a ride first.
Relentless said:
I'm going to check these out. Sounds good.
I think they have been discontinued by the manufacturer. You still may be able to find them on eBay.
I use an expandable (get a reliable one) and back it up with an Adder point. The adder point is basically a round washer cut into 8 segments and bent over the end of the shaft to form a burr sticking up behind the B/H. It will keep a broad head in the bird even when shooting very high poundage.