This is Hunter from Roots Custom Calls. Me and my buddy Nick Gatlin have turned our hobby into a business here in the past 4 months or so and we are just trying to get our name out there a little bit more. We thought this might help us out a little bit. We have a good reviews so far on all the products we have sold. Here is a few pot calls and strikers that we have made. There is a green anodized aluminum with a walnut pot, a slate with a walnut pot, black anodized aluminum with Ambrosia maple pot , and black anodized aluminum with a black cherry pot. That's just a few of what we have made so far and we would be interested into what y'all think about them. Our calls are $50 and will come with a free hand turned hickory striker. Striker prices varies on the type of wood. We offer our products on ebay(rootscustomcalls-6), we also have an Instagram and a Facebook page that y'all can also check us out on. Our email address is [email protected] We will have our website up and going by next week. My number is 931-478-0786 if y'all have any other questions. Y'all let us know what you think!
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