Turkey Hunting during deer archery?


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2011
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Knoxville, TN
Do any of you turkey hunters do this? I have a decent sized flock of turkeys hitting my little food plot right now. I didn't get one during the spring (except in KS). If they are there I'm thinking of plugging one with my crossbow. Will I be drummed out of the club? :)
if i find myself real close to one while deer hunting I might take the shot. But it would have to be a perfect shot because I have lost a couple birds to arrows.
Tonight I went over to move my camera back from the food plot. With the rain it has sprouted nicely in the last couple of days! As we left there were a few turkeys crossing the road.

We went the long way home and we had to stop the car for a HUGE flock of turkeys! There is no shortage in this area and I'm pretty sure no one is hunting them. If one shows up on the first day of archery season he is a goner. :D There is a Tom in the flock that it one of the biggest turkeys I've ever seen! He is a trophy for certain! It would be a bad day for him if he flies down in my spot during deer season.
I'll definitely take the opportunity to kill one if it walks by while I'm deer hunting but I don't specifically target them.

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I cheat and use a crossbow. I can't imagine trying to draw on one either.

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Carlos Viagra":2y45icww said:
From my experience they are nearly impossible to draw on from a treestand. If the Fall seasons open I always give it a try anyways. From a ground blind it's way easier for sure.
yes they bust me every time when in a treestand. But on the ground it's not too hard to get a shot at one.
I looked on my camera. They are still coming by infrequently. I'm almost as excited to see a turkey as seeing a deer. The deer population is low where I'm hunting. I'm guessing it will be worthless to go much over there until near rut time. I'll give it a try this weekend, then give it a break and try not to over hunt there.
Wow, so I misunderstood.....I thought we had to wait until Fall turkey season (17-30OCT) I didn't realize I could shoot a turkey while deer hunting.....I had two 1.5 year old toms fighting at 20 yds on Sunday evening.

I had 4 hens regularly visiting my food plot back in MD before I left for TN. I think that one knew the camera was there
I was stalking in for an afternoon hunt today for deer and saw some toms walking through the woods. Took a knee down in the creek bed and sure enough, they walked right across the creek 25 yards in front of me. I took one, cleaned it, ran it by my neighbors house to put in the fridge, and now I'm back in the stand. So yes, I'm an opportunistic turkey hunter for the next two weeks. They are crazy over populated here anyway.