Turkey population (S.E.)


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2004
Reaction score
Bradley co. TN
I read on here where you guys on the other side of the state talk about low numbers. Over here in the southeast part of the state turkeys are EVERYWHERE, huge flocks. My job takes me through a lot of country and today alone, I bet I have seen 250/300 birds. What is the difference? What makes one part of the state so much different from the other?
Great question, and very understandable for a hunter from SE TN that primarily hunts in SE TN. For one, much of west TN is river bottoms, and for the last 3-4 years straight, and many more before that, we have been pummeled with unprecedented rain events, one after the other, etc. Much of the prime bottomland habitat is now a swampland that is inundated from late December until Mar/Apr, and sometimes May/June. Year after year after year of torrential downpours and flooded countryside just doesn't lead to very many opportunities for birds to take root, or have sustainable hatches. Sure we have a few scattered here and there, but is almost a sin to shoot one of the few left in these areas. Furthermore, unless the MS River is extremely high, these counties are open with the same season dates and bag limits as the counties you speak of that are flourishing. TN is a prime example of "one size does not fit all" for turkey management and turkey regulations. Why TWRA hasn't made some changes to the spring turkey bag limits for these hard hit counties is beyond my imagination. This is just one explanation, but there are several other viewpoints and I expect many others to chime in and expound on your question.
That makes a lot of sense Andy. I saw a example of that here last year. There's a big overgrown field next to my place where I know at least two different hens were setting, the creek flooded and that entire bottom was under water for several days. Guaranteed both of those clutches were a complete loss. And that's just the ones I knew about, I'm sure there were several more.
Southern middle tn, no one knows what happened, but we used to be covered up with them as well. That's not the case anymore
CATCHDAWG":2mb93pul said:
I read on here where you guys on the other side of the state talk about low numbers. Over here in the southeast part of the state turkeys are EVERYWHERE, huge flocks. My job takes me through a lot of country and today alone, I bet I have seen 250/300 birds. What is the difference? What makes one part of the state so much different from the other?

ZERO turkeys in our area here in Cleveland! You don't know what ur talking about... Those were crows! :tu:
TreyB":1mh92mpt said:
CATCHDAWG":1mh92mpt said:
I read on here where you guys on the other side of the state talk about low numbers. Over here in the southeast part of the state turkeys are EVERYWHERE, huge flocks. My job takes me through a lot of country and today alone, I bet I have seen 250/300 birds. What is the difference? What makes one part of the state so much different from the other?

ZERO turkeys in our area here in Cleveland! You don't know what ur talking about... Those were crows! :tu:
Oh yeah, sorry, I forgot... sshhhhh ;)