A lot of good calls out there!
David Hollorand sold me an awesome call! If you get a chance go by his booth before you go buy any other call out there!! I mean freaking sweet call!!
I also picked up a cammando call. That one they are making for the Brenda Valentine people is a sweet sounding call and it is only 30 bucks!!
Going to morrow to find a comfortable turkey seat!!
Man I love this show!!
David Hollorand sold me an awesome call! If you get a chance go by his booth before you go buy any other call out there!! I mean freaking sweet call!!
I also picked up a cammando call. That one they are making for the Brenda Valentine people is a sweet sounding call and it is only 30 bucks!!
Going to morrow to find a comfortable turkey seat!!
Man I love this show!!