Turkey thugs little friend push button box call.


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2014
Reaction score
Blount co tn
I bought a turkey thugs little friend push button box call last night and I've got it sounding good. Problem is, I have to hold the piece that makes noise down with my other hand. If I only push it across the wooden block flips up. This doesn't seem right. I though these where one handed calls? Do you think it's broken?
I can still return it but I don't want to if its workin right.

Also any recommendations on calls, types, brands, techniques or tips for getting better.

And I'm on a budget. My wife might shoot me and put me on the wall if I spend too much.
I sound like a drunk duck on my mouth call. Eh! I'm happy I'm making any noise at all :)

I thought I was doing ok until I watched a YouTube video by the quaker boys guy...

He sounds more like a Turkey than a turkey.
I've not found a push-button call that I don't have to press down with my other hand. I've found them to be decent later season calls because they're not that prevalent, which means the gobblers may not have heard them as often. That same logic is why I use a wing-bone call in the later season, too. Still, I'd be remiss if I didn't encourage you to keep at that mouth call for as long as it takes. I know it's frustrating, but once you get it, you won't forget it, and you'll see why they're so effective. It's not just the sound, it's also the massive increase in flexibility and concealment. It's the only call you can sound while you have the bead on his head.

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