Turkeys and pines


Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2007
Reaction score
Townsend, TN
Another beginer question. More of a terrain question. I have a lease with mixed pine stands, hardwood bottoms, cut overs(some new some 4-5 years old)ect. My question is about the pines. I have roosted a group of turkeys a few times, but I can't hear exactly where they are headed when they come down in the morn. Is that becasue they are in the pines. Do they hang out in pines or just use them for cover or roost. Kind of a loaded question I guess, but I'd like to hear yalls thoughts.
Turkey like to roost it the pines and I like when they do. They are easier to slip up on in the morning. Many times you can get within 50 yards or so if you've roosted them the evening before. Not a lot of pines where I hunt now, but I remember taking a buddy of mine a couple of years ago. He had roosted the bird the evening before, we were sneaked to probably 50-60 yards from his tree at dawn. He started hammering, we gave him a few soft tree yelps. A couple of clucks and next thing I know I hear wing beats and see his snowball head comming through the pines. When his feet hit the ground he was within 40 yds. My buddy aimed low and blew off about 2 inches of his beard! So, yea they roost in the pines and they hang out in them at least right after flydown :D
They love to roost in pines especially prior to leaf out, it provides cover and thermal protection. I also like to hunt pines as moving through them is basically silent and you can be somewhat hidden in the early season.

More then likely upon fly down the birds will head somewhere to feed. If there is nothing but pines, they won't go far, if there is hardwoods or fields nearby they will head there first.