As most on here will know, I was an outspoke advocate against us going to a 4 bird limit. I believed at the time it could have a dramatic impact on our numbers of male turkeys which survived each spring. However, in my area it has seemingly had no ill affects, or none that I have witnessed as of last year. The question in this area is how good would hunting be if we still had a 2 or 3 bird limit? Impossible question to answer obviously. According to the harvest numbers very few people kill 4, but the unknown is how many jakes get killed because of the larger limits? That is the most important question, if it cheapens a jake because of the total number of available tags then it could have a major impact.
Spring seasons should have little affect on overall turkey populations in general, but the abusrdly high fall limits could have an impact if enough folks participate.
The biggest blunder IMO by TWRA is not adjusting our seasons in areas which have had unique events which could significantly affected poult production. Rather then lower limits in areas which have been hit by floods, hail storms, etc etc, they kep the limit the same which is totally counterintuitive and not smart management.
In areas where the farms are smallish, less than 500 acres, and every farm gets a ton of pressure, the 4 bird limit could seriously impact the hunting in those areas. COmbine that with area hit by freak weather events, or hatch failures and it could be a disaster.
I have never seen anything to suggest chicken waste as being a danger to wild turkeys or other wildlife, but anything is possible.
This is just my opinion, but TWRA's turkey folks need to seriously consider being more fluid with the regs to account for massive weather events and poor poult production. This one size fits all approach is not wise, and may be having a major impact in some areas.
4 birds in the spring may be fine, but in years to come some form of jake restrictions would ensure good populations of male birds. I would not like to see a total ban on jakes, but do believe 1 jake tag is sufficient for most mature hunters to be happy.