Turkzilla 1 turkeys 1


Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 1999
Reaction score
Murfreesboro, TN, Rutherford

Like another post earlier if you don't like dead jakes stop reading.

This was a great opening day. My hunting partner and myself started at our usual opening day location. We heard 0 gobbles but had birds roosted all around us. When they all flew down they hit the far corner of a very large field. We moved to the location where we knew they'd be travelling. One big group of them got by us before we could cut them off. As we were trying to sneak down to the corner of the field a group of jakes came in on us. We were about 40 yards from the edge of the field. I wanted to double but from the angle where I was I couldn't get a clear shot. I heard my buddy say - man I didn't get a bird last year - and I don't want to let these slip by. Next time I heard him say he had a clear shot I told him to go ahead and take him. 2 seconds later flopping bird and all the other jakes were flogging him. It was on now - I was trying my best to get a clear shot. The birds finally were easing their way on across the field and toward the corner. I had 1 really clear spot but by the time they would get there they would be 60+ yards away. I had a small hole through some brushy crap and in between some trees and had one stop right in it. I took the shot - didn't even hit a feather. Lots of dead vines and twigs though. I stuck around about another hour and moved to a new location about 20 miles away. This time I was armed with my new home made fan decoy. I slipped down in the woods about 100 yards and set up. Within 10 minutes I had a hen raising cane across on the neighbors land. I was cutting and purring back and forth with her and a noise behind and to the right of me caught my attention. I eased my head around and there were 2 jakes (one a super-jake). There was NO WAY I was going to get moved on them to get a shot. I just sat patiently to see if they'd see Turkzilla down the hill from me about 30 yards. YEP - they started easing down the hill and walked right behind me to get there. They walked within 6 feet of me as they went down the hill. When I thought they'd made it far enough down the hill that I could move I did so. They went straight for Turkzilla. I had my gun raised and was ready to bust the super-jake. He stopped about 5 yards from my decoy and right behind 2-3 small trees. The wait was on. I needed him to take one more step. He finally reached his neck out and down to get something and that was the last thing he did. 18 yard shot.

19.5 pounds
5" beard
nub spurs


DISCLAIMER: The following photos are here simply for your enjoyment. I love photography and thought yall might like these photos.







For anyone interested here are the specifics of Turkzilla:

The idea for this decoy hit me a while back but I have just finished it up a couple weeks ago. This is obviously a real turkey fan. The head was donated from a Flambeau Masters Series Intruder Jake. The stake is an HS Strut Turkey Hunting Strut Stake which is simply placed inside the hollow turkey head. With this thin stake it allows the decoy to turn pretty readily in the breeze making it appear even more realistic. I bolted a small metal clip (like you'd hang a broom on the wall) onto the fan with a small bolt, a fender washer, and wing nut. I also passed the bolt through a strip of velcro so I can secure the head on the fan. This is MUCH MUCH easier to haul around than a Pretty Boy or B-Mobile. I'm thinking about getting some of the vinyl cardboard sign material to make a folder for the fan to protect it while on the move through the woods.

This decoy is very easy to put together and is 1 for 1 on pulling birds in. We'll see how it goes throughout the rest of the season.