Well-Known Member
My homemade turkey fan decoy is batting 2 for 2 (with lots of aid from some really nasty down and dirty calling). Had a great hunt this morning. Was hunting the same location where I had killed the jake opening day. Had a hot gobbling bird coming my way. He was going to have to come off a steep ridge, through a gully, and up my ridge to get to me - but he was on his way. I was going to sit and wait him out patiently. About 30 minutes into it - BOOM. Called him right to someone down in the bottom. A few minutes later I heard a gobble way out on the ridge to my left - but sounded like it was coming from the next ridge over again. Headed back up the hill and out on the point to set up and see if I could get him hot. It sounded like a couple different gobblers, and they were gobbling their heads off at every call I made. About 45 minutes into it I had one gobble within 50 yards of me - just out of site down the hill from me. I knew he was close so I just shut up. Scratched in the leaves 2 times and he came running up the hill. When he hit a logging road just below me he saw Turkzilla and broke into a strut. About a minute later the wind blew the decoy and made it spin on its stake to add a little more realism. He broke out of strut and headed right for it. He didn't quilte make it to him until the load of #5 slammed him.
23.5 pounds
3/4" and 1/2" sharp spurs
8 3/4" beard
I believe this was a pretty old bird with worn down spurs.
DISCLAIMER: photos are here simply for your enjoyment.
23.5 pounds
3/4" and 1/2" sharp spurs
8 3/4" beard
I believe this was a pretty old bird with worn down spurs.
DISCLAIMER: photos are here simply for your enjoyment.