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Two for Two


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2009
Chapel Hill
Opening weekend I posted about taking my boss hunting and putting him on his first bird. Well he was back in town and my Dad and I took him to a farm we have had some success on. Well the birds were gobbling like crazy till they hit the ground. I got them to gobble again but they went up the ridge. Made a few more calls and he sounded off again. Gave him about 5 minutes and called a little more. Now he was moving our way. About 10 minutes later my Dad spotted him and he was moveing our way. Made a few purrs and clucks and he gobbled. He came in full strut the whole time. Got about 30yrds from the decoy and came running looking for a fight. We had a full strut and two hens out. He stopped about 20 yards, gave the boss the OK and he smoked him. Had 10.5 inch beard, 1 1/8 spurs and weighted 20lbs. Best part is my Dad got it all on video. I will post it when I get a chance. Sorry no pics. Had to get to my wifes Aunts house to clean up her house. The flood damaged her whole subdivision. She was a little more fortunate then some but DANG it was bad

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