Type wood for call


Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2007
Reaction score
Mid TN
What would be the best sounding wood to use for a scratch box call? Thanks.
there are a TON of good ones and good combinations out there and everyone likes different sounds.

I personally prefer the following

Osage as my #1
Purple Heart

for strikers I dont really have a go to wood but Osage and persimmon are great with the calls i use.
Thanks alot. I have what looks to be a walnut scratch box that was given to me but it has no striker. I guess I'll see if I can find some wood to make one. A friend told me to try cedar or poplar. Where could a person get some of the wood you mentioned to use as a striker? Do the strikers need to be a certain size or anything? I'm going to tinker around with this thing and see what happens. Thanks.
JLC said:
Thanks alot. I have what looks to be a walnut scratch box that was given to me but it has no striker. I guess I'll see if I can find some wood to make one. A friend told me to try cedar or poplar. Where could a person get some of the wood you mentioned to use as a striker? Do the strikers need to be a certain size or anything? I'm going to tinker around with this thing and see what happens. Thanks.

ceder will work fine for a striker as will Poplar, of the 2 i would go with ceder first.

Size and style are really up to the user but you can look around at others to get an approx diameter for what most are.

as far as WHERE to get it, that depends on how you plan on making it. If you are going to use a wood lathe then you can order whatever you like online just get the 1x1x8ish pen blanks and that should do it.
Persimmons makes one awesome looking call. Add in a few odd worm holes in there and it's a thing of beauty. If I ever start making my own I will be making one in persimmons.
Thanks for all the info. I'll give that a try and see what I come up with.