Decided to get a red dot this year ,, seen these scopes on ebay faily cheap,,, anybody ever use these.. Also your opinion on red dots for turkeys,,, Thanks....
I know several people who use them and love them. I personally want to keep my turkey gun as simple as possible. I have two beads on my gun, I line them up, I squeeze the trigger. The best thing though is I don't have to worry about knocking off the scope if I'm putting the "sneak" on one.
Get it, you won't be disappointed! If that dot is on the neck of an in-range gobbler when you pull the trigger, you'll be giving him a truck ride home. My thinking is that one sight point is a heck of a lot easier to put on a turkey's neck during the excitement of having a turkey in close than having to line up two and holding both on the bird. Good hunting.
I tried one out, and I have loved it so far. Once you figure out what your gun shoots best ,sight in your red dot, it is awesome. Some guns patern to the left or right etc.. but once you zero your scope in its deadly. I like the fact I can put my head almost anywhere. I can also keep both eyes open when useing a red dot scope. Thumps up for me on scopes on turkey guns.