

Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2009
Reaction score
I scored early opening morning, 23lbs., 10 beard 1 spurs, and my buddy was on the other side of the farm. I went and met him about 9 a.m., and we set up on the side of a wheat field. We hung my bird up on the side of a small tree, by his feet, and his head was hanging about 3 feet off the ground. He was hanging in the shade about 45 yds behind us. We started calling about every 15 minuets, and after about an hour, as we where sitting in a homemade blind, I happened to glance behind us in the woods, and I saw a big fan coming over the top of the ridge. I told my buddy we had a visitor. As the gobbler topped the ridge, and came into full view, we saw that he had spotted our strutter decoy. He was still about 60 yds out. My buddy mentioned to me that we where fixing to get busted, because my harvested bird was hanging between us and the gobbler. All of a sudden, the gobbler dropped strut, and I figured it was about over, and then he started on a dead walk straight toward the gobbler hanging in the tree. He got within a foot of him, and then went into full strut. All of a sudden, he jumped straight up in the air, and flogged the hanging gobbler. Then ,he did it again! Next, he raised up as high as he could and started pecking his head. We couldnt believe it. He just kept on and on. Finally, my buddy took him, and he fell underneath mt bird. I've seen them flog a bird on the ground several times, but never on one hanging in a tree. What we would have gave for a video camera! I guess we should try this more often.
I'm sure strman has had this happen before! :D That's wild...I'd have to kill one first before I could have this happen! :cry: