Using Arrows After They Blew Through a Deer?


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2007
Reaction score
Cookeville, TN
I have had 3 complete pass throughs this week and cleaned them off this evening. I put new broadheads in them and spinned them on the table and they didn't wobble. Anybody reuse their arrows after they passed through a deer?
Yep. Just check them out for cracks and loose fletchings, shoot them a couple of times to make sure then hunt again.
UTGrad said:
I have had 3 complete pass throughs this week and cleaned them off this evening. I put new broadheads in them and spinned them on the table and they didn't wobble. Anybody reuse their arrows after they passed through a deer?

must be nice to be stuck in such a horrible dilemma! :)
Get ya a sharpener for your broadheads and its even cheaper. I have three down this year on two arrows and the same broad heads. All Passthroughs. Had to re-glue the edge of one fletching and she flies true!
I clean them, write the date on one of the arrow fletchings, and put it back in the quiver. When I pull one out on the stand, I read the date(s) and think of that (those) particular deer. I have a few arrows with a date on each vane.
jakeway said:
I clean them, write the date on one of the arrow fletchings, and put it back in the quiver. When I pull one out on the stand, I read the date(s) and think of that (those) particular deer. I have a few arrows with a date on each vane.

That is cool!
I went through 15 deer with one arrow before a no exit off shoulder hit broke the arrow on the fall.

I had to re-fletch the arrow three times but it held up well. Always bend the carbon arrow and listen for "crinkling" noises which indicate fracturing.

So the answer to your question is YES.
