Using "doe bleat" on grunt tube


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2007
Reaction score
Cookeville, TN
I can make a little room if I remove the Primos bleat can from my pack, but I moved the o ring on my Primos Hardwoods Grunter to the doe bleat position and the sound is quite different than the "can". I am by no means a wildlife vocalization expert, but does anybody here use their grunt tubes for the doe bleat?
I will do that (true talker) but the "Can" is more of a consistent sound since those little bands get moved some. I use the true talker SOME for bleats.
I also was going to say the Tru opinion the best grunt tube I've ever used. I've had ZERO deer come to "The Can" so I just use Tru Talker.
Last year, I was having this same delima on what to use. One evening towards the end of bow season, a 9 point was about 150-200 yards away. I had nothing to lose so I moved my band and tried the bleat, not a response from him at all. Then used the small buck grunt..nothing. Just happened to have my "lil can" and hit it twice and He came like he was on a string. He came within 40 yards and it was just too dark to get a shot. He was full alert too....probably would have jumped my string at that far. But my experiences may help ya a little bit, hopefully
I have called more in with a grunt tube than the can . It's all about controlling the volume and pitch for a doe bleat . Don't call too much in early season unless you use a fawn bleat .
ETNW said:
I will do that (true talker) but the "Can" is more of a consistent sound since those little bands get moved some. I use the true talker SOME for bleats.

i cut those bands off, they lasted about 10 minutes. i just practiced enough to know where to press for different calls. then i use my other hand and control the air for different volume.
Radar said:
I have called more in with a grunt tube than the can . It's all about controlling the volume and pitch for a doe bleat . Don't call too much in early season unless you use a fawn bleat .

I will try using the grunt tube more than the can. Anything to strip down gear, kinda like the Doolittle Raiders!
Most people don't get results using the can because they don't know how to use it properly.

Better off not calling at all unless you have experience or have had some good instruction.
LCU said:
Most people don't get results using the can because they don't know how to use it properly.

Better off not calling at all unless you have experience or have had some good instruction.

Oh please ! The can is frickin' idiot proof ! I have called deer in with the can , but I have called in more with a grunt tube . The grunt tube takes a little more practice than flipping the can over. ;)
I called in my first buck using my own voice in 1981 before grunt calls became popular.
Supposedly when the can is flipped over and allowed to completely sound out, that is an alarm call made by does. The proper technique is to turn it over quickly for a quick bleat then stop. This is just what I heard so don't quote me.
Tru Talker seems to work great for me but only from pre rut to just before post rut. I have found that some bucks get tired of fighting and will move off just to avoid the fight. Even if you use a young buck call. Sometimes they have just had enough. But, that said, I have had some very exciting hunts getting bucks worked up with a grunt.
Deer calls aren't rocket science , just use them sparingly . I have the best luck during the pre rut when the bucks are trolling .