Venting for a min


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2006
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If your to dam lazy to walk a short stretch to turkey hunt do everyone a favor and take up golf! Mand this excludes handicaps and the physically unable.
I'm with you. A guy that hunts one of the same farms as me had his blind set up 60 yards from his truck in a fence row. He also will still drive in thru the gate even if I'm parked there already.
Ain't that the truth. In a way it kind of works out for me though. Neighboring farm has a pocket that comes in on mine. Two years ago I heard a bird close to the line and had eased into position. A few minutes later I hear a gator coming in the distance. He stops a couple hundred yards from me and makes some hideous yelps on a box...nothing. He proceeds up the ridge toward me, passes by on the other side of the line and stops again. I watch him step off and crank out another series of terrible yelps....nothing. Satisfied there's nothing around he cranks up and and heads back out of hearing toward their house. I sat there thinking everything was probably blown, but figured I'd hang tight for a while. About 20 minutes later the bird gobbled again about 150 yards from me in the same direction he'd been before. About 15 more minutes and I had him flopping about 30 yards in front of me! This guy is as able body as they come, but let's just say he's not to hard on the turkey population.
I know a guy that only hunts from a blind in a field edge and he parks behind the blind. Only has to take 5 steps to the blind. He will only kill 1 a year if he is lucky and wonders why.
I have tested my theory. mornings that people drive into the interior of our lease the turkeys gobbler considerably less. On mornings I hunt without company I park and walk in the hunting and gobbling is way better.
I've found a lot of birds rooster along the logging road that I would've drove the 4-wheeler to get back in the property. Walking is it for me. Plus it gets me plenty of exercise!

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the good thing about the lazy hunters is they are usually out of the woods early, making mid day public land hunting pretty good.
I deal with the 4 wheeler fools every weekend, I just scratch my head at them to be honest. The weather is beautiful why not just get a little exercise?

They love to ride here, stop owl hoot, and take off. They honestly have no idea how many birds they shut up, or drive right by.

I ran into some kids yesterday that had draped camo netting over themselves while sitting on a 4 wheeler. I just poked fun at them when I stopped to see how their morning was.
Setterman":1pszd1hu said:
I deal with the 4 wheeler fools every weekend, I just scratch my head at them to be honest. The weather is beautiful why not just get a little exercise?

They love to ride here, stop owl hoot, and take off. They honestly have no idea how many birds they shut up, or drive right by.

I ran into some kids yesterday that had draped camo netting over themselves while sitting on a 4 wheeler. I just poked fun at them when I stopped to see how their morning was.
I'm glad turkeys have just a little smarts so these people dont kill very many of them.
I came out of the woods Saturday and saw a pop up blind in a field edge Right where we have to walk out on the road to leave. Then we got to the first field (by the interstate) and there was another blind with a decoy out in front of it.

I told my buddy; I don't mind hunters like that because we know they won't be where we are. The public land birds seem to stay in the woods so let the lazy guys stay in the fields and I'll go get'em in the woods.

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