Visualizing sight picture


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2007
Reaction score
Cookeville, TN
What is the best way to view the target when shooting? For example, I have been working on focusing my eyes on the target and releasig the arrow when the pin obstructs the point I want the arrow to impact. I have been focusing on the pins as I adjust my aim and at the last second focus on the target when I feel the pin is getting steady to the point of release. What technique works here?
I started out just trying to keep my pin on the target,but I have found that if I focus on the spot on the target and just let my pin float over it and release then,that I am much more accurate that way.
UT, if you can shoot with both your eyes open, focus on the target, let the pin "find" the target, and squeeze... that may help. I found years ago, I had less target panic, and was able to focus on squeezing, and not punching... now it comes natural.
I have never been a fan of the hunt and punch method. However, I find myself doing that more often if I am looking at the pin. I prefer to watch the target and "float" then wait for the release to go off. Consitant form that is what it is all about.
bobthebowhunter said:
I have never been a fan of the hunt and punch method. However, I find myself doing that more often if I am looking at the pin. I prefer to watch the target and "float" then wait for the release to go off. Consitant form that is what it is all about.

bobthebowhunter said:
I have never been a fan of the hunt and punch method. However, I find myself doing that more often if I am looking at the pin. I prefer to watch the target and "float" then wait for the release to go off. Consitant form that is what it is all about.

Thanks for this advice. I am working on a smooth release that just "happens"
UTGrad said:
bobthebowhunter said:
I have never been a fan of the hunt and punch method. However, I find myself doing that more often if I am looking at the pin. I prefer to watch the target and "float" then wait for the release to go off. Consitant form that is what it is all about.

Thanks for this advice. I am working on a smooth release that just "happens"

Trust me we are all working on that. Keep at it.
bobthebowhunter said:
UTGrad said:
bobthebowhunter said:
I have never been a fan of the hunt and punch method. However, I find myself doing that more often if I am looking at the pin. I prefer to watch the target and "float" then wait for the release to go off. Consitant form that is what it is all about.

Thanks for this advice. I am working on a smooth release that just "happens"

Trust me we are all working on that. Keep at it.

Ain't that the truth! I had a guy tell me the other day that I was smart for using a hinge BT release because you can't "make it go off". I told him to watch for a minute and I'd show him otherwise :D
It's taken me some time, but I think I am finally making strides in getting rid of a punch release. In terms of visualization, I think I like it better to focus on the target and let my pin float over my target.