Weirdest thing that happened in the turkey woods


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2006
Reaction score
Kingsport, Tn
Figured id get this started because i know im not the only one this kind of stuff happens to.
Ill start off with one from last year. Had a gobbler coming in hot, gobbling his head off when i heard something coming up the hollar behind me. Ease my head around to see the cows feeding up towards my dekes. Turned back around just in time to see my gobbler break out in a strut about 60 yds in front of me working my way. I was hoping he would beat the cows to me but it wasnt meant to be. The lead cow noticed my decoys and came right on in. She then proceeded to lick my stutter decoy and that old gobbler didnt know what to think but he wasnt waiting around for his turn.
I have had a coyote on two different occasions come up and drag my decoy off. It only took it about 30 yds or so. Both times it was the hen decoy that comes with the pretty boy.
Too many to remember.

There was one time I was working a bird that was on the very top of a ridge. It had a peak to it, and that is where he was. I couldn't get any closer than 150 yds or so.

Well, after playing the game for a while, he came sailing by me (his rope was hanging) and glided to a stop about 70-80 yards below me. I knew he was dead.

But, a deer was down there as well that I didn't know about, and it started blowing like crazy. Game over!
Many times I think I have seen turkeys disappear and reappear in another location. But this one was the craziest of all.

I had a bird hammering at me from the top of the hill right at daybreak. The underbrush was thick and I could not see very far in front of me. So the bird was going to have to walk through some thick stuff to get to me (terrible set up) I could see great though to my right , and to my left, and it was clear, open woods behind me. It was dry as a bone that morning and I could hear squirrels rustling the leaves easily. All of a sudden he hammered at about 40 yards from me. Didn't even hear him fly down. Also, I could not hear him walking in the leaves even when he was gobbling just 30 yards or so from me. He would hammer to the left and wait a few minutes, hammer to the right and wait. All of a sudden he gobbled probably 10 yards directly behind me. He was spitting and drumming so close to me , I thought he'd spit on me! :D I swear it was so close I could feel the moisture of his breath on my neck! I was freeking out! I had no idea how he circled me, but he did. I thought it could be another bird, but you'd think I would have heard him comming in. It was weird. And I didn't kill a bird that morning. I'm not one to belive in spooks, but I think I may have encountered a ghost turkey! :D
One morning I was working a bird and he was coming to me from a cow pasture,well all was well until he shut up and all of a sudden flew off,I was puzzled until I seen the cow that ran him off...yeah that's right,a freakin cow lol.
i sometimes hunt a field that has a main road that runs along one edge of it and i can't count the times that a car has come along and seen the turkeys out there and they decide to stop and watch the birds (can't blame them but it gets old) and the birds get nervous and run off but one time it helped because the bird was actually going away when a car pulls up and rolls the window down and i see someone pointing at him, he turns and runs right at me and i killed him

i often wondered what the people were thinking when they saw the whole thing go down and in some ways i felt bad about it might have not been the smartest thing i ever did they might have worked for PETA LOL !!!
A friend and I were set up one morning. Haven't heard anything,just setting around making a call every now and then. When all of a sudden heard some rustling of leaves, I turned to look and a bobcat was in mid air paws reached out in my face. If I had not turned around I would've been had. I scared him as bad as he scared me. Maybe. I had jumped off the ground so fast I dropped my gun. Funny now but about had a freakin heart attack.
Smoke: Your post sounds so much like one my daughter and I had happen to use three years ago. We had chased this bird all over the woods. We finally decided to let him go, cirle the base of the mountain and set up in front of him. We had the set up ready to rock n roll.... we seen him strutting off the hillside straight to us. Then the farmers cos seen my ole decoys. When the cows came in we seen the gobbler take off just like in the turkey hunting video games! I was so mad, I turned and looked at my daughter (she was going to be the shooter) she had tears rolling down her face, laughing herself to death! Seeing her having such a good time, I instantly got over my mad spell. We packed up went to another farm, and doubled up that afternoon! Crazy cows! :)
I have had two times now, coyotes after me carrying a turkey out over my sholder. One of them stalked me until I killed him, the other one burst out from a honeysuckle patch and froze in confusion mode, long enough for me to drop the yote and kill him as well. Weird, as I have never ever had a yote do anything but bolt when they saw me. Guess the turkey completely made them loco.
Re: Weirdest thing that happened in the turkey woo

I've had a yote jump on my decoy like most turkey hunters, but I had another unique experience. I was on the edge of a field one year calling when something to my left caught my attention. At first I thought it was two long skinny tails moving in the tall grass, but once my eyes finally focused on the two objects I saw what they really were. Two rattle snakes mating! I couldn't shoot them because they were between me and some farm equipment about 20 yds away. That was pretty spookyh thinking they were not that far away from me. When I stood up they saw me, and dissapeared.
Re: Weirdest thing that happened in the turkey woo

I was sitting purring and clucking softly. About fifty yards in front of me I see something moving fast straight at me. It was about 2 feet off the ground. It was a hawk, At about six feet from my face I duck and roll! I had no decoy or nothing but he thought I was a turkey I guess.