Well crap


Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2004
Reaction score
Brush Creek
I've deer hunted for over 50 years but never found any poop that looks like this. I have seen deer droppings that are clustered and resemble these but never this size. Kinda looks like horse droppings but smaller and there are no horses anywhere near me.
The food plot where I found these had numerous droppings this size and different ages so I don't think it was a one time occurrence.
Going to put a couple of cameras up and see if I can catch whatever it is in the act.
Any thoughts what it could be? Deer?
Point a finger in it for size reference. Lol jk but definitely could be a bear
Yeah, I should of put something beside it for size reference lol.
They are fist sized if that helps.
I thought bear when I saw it but i've never found any bear sign around here before.
Yeah, I should of put something beside it for size reference lol.
They are fist sized if that helps.
I thought bear when I saw it but i've never found any bear sign around here before.
Bears this time of year will be mostly seeds, berries, and vegetation type scat. If you have a dirt area around the place check for prints in it. We get them about once or twice a year at my house in Soddy but they just move on rather quickly
That's bear scat confirmed by a 82 year old bear hunter.
I'll take your word for it then. I scattered some corn and put a couple of trail cams out, we shall see what shows up in the next couple of days.
Thanks for your feedback!!
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Well, I put a couple of trail cams out and baited them up with corn. All I got were pics of deer. Not found any more of the mystery poop so I'm thinking whatever it was has moved on.
Thanks for everyone's input!!