Well!! I guess I will go in the AM!

Big J

Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2006
Reaction score
Might as well give them a shot in the morning!! I hope I atleast here a gobble!! Geez!!!
Good luck J. Ive been almost every day except when it pouring rain and havent heard a gobble in 3 weeks. Ive harvested 2 so far but they never made a sound. I decided since they wouldn talk and let me know where they were I would observe from 20 ft deer stands. When I see them I see the direction they headed and sneak around in front of them. Has paid off so far. Funny story: yesterday I had a hen walkn under me for over an hour lookn for me. Finally she flew up on a branch to get a better view. But I was still 10ft above her. If she could scratch her head with a hand I sure know she would have. She was so mad by time she left she was yelpn 3 octaves above her norm. Still no gobbles even with all that racket.
good luck, yesterday was a great day, we had 2 on the limb tearing it down but the 3rd bird I got on didnt do near as much but the fourth gobbled good all the way to the gun barrel!