Well I have bought 9 mouth calls!!

Big J

Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2006
Reaction score
Still trying to find my call! lol!!

I really like the Woodhaven Pro Pack though!

Been thinking of the Knight and hale 3 pack as well!!
Be careful with the woodhaven pro series, they can be a little challenging to learn on IMO. Try to find 3 reed V cut calls made with as thin a latex as possible. Cane creek makes one called a tuff man which is super easy to learn on, and the original woodhaven billy yargus (blue not green) is also a breeze and on sale for $5 right now on their website.
Not an overnight call to master.

Its not the sounds you make, its when you make them and if he likes them.

Sit in a treestand and watch/listen to a flock of 300 turkeys pass by-you hear every kind of sound in the world.

There is no BAD sound, its all timing and if he wants to respond.
Woodhaven makes better quality calls hands down. Preston pittman makes a couple of good calls as well (black diamond and lightning).
J you will end up with FAR MORE THEN 9 when its all said and done lol.

Heck i have a zip lock freezer bag FULL of mouth calls, some are not even open yet.

Personally I use the woodhaven calls as well as Legacy. When i was learning though HS strut were the easiest to me.

WHEN you find the call you really like I suggest buying more of them and not opening them. Nothing worse then you fav mouth call getting lost or broke and you cant get a replacement.
big j, the biggest mistake i made was to bend them and trim em.....
just put them in your mouth if its uncomfortable, take ends in between front teeth and just chew on it for 5 minutes or so,,that will help break it in and as you call with it it will conform to the roof of your mouth
Save your $$$ & just buy a Primos True Double mouth call. I been using em for 20+ years. Got a bunch of fans covering the walls of my garage. Ain't never entered no callin contest but the fans on the wall say it must sound purdy good. Good Luck & God Bless!! :)
I realy like the Primos calls with the plastic rige. I have tried several and the Primos call have worked the best for me. The Zink calls are another good call too.
I too like woodhaven, but hard to start on. Try the h.s strut expert edge cd and calls from wal-mart. Comes with a few calls and instructional cd. Helped me alot.