Welp...got in the stand WAY too early


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2006
Reaction score
East TN
Haven't hunted in over a week. Got in settled in my climbing stand just now. Turned headlamp off... it's pitch dark 😂. Checked sunrise time... I'm going to sitting in the dark for 30 minutes 🥺🤷‍♂️😂😂 this is like the old days... getting in early enough to let the woods settle 😂😂

AND....I just dropped my grunt call on the ground.🙄 amazing how you can do this your whole life, then all of a sudden it's like you never done this before
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LOL good times! I was so excited about opening day of rifle season one year that I got in the stand about 2 hours before daylight! That quelled the enthusiasm after a little while! Didn't do that again! :D good luck guys!
I used to get in the stand at least a half hour before shooting light. I now try to be set up and ready to go with about 10 minutes before legal.
I used to get in the stand at least a half hour before shooting light. I now try to be set up and ready to go with about 10 minutes before legal.
Me too. I used to be an hour before daylight. Now i like to be completely setup about 10 .
Minutes before daylight
If I'm not all set up & "quiet" by 30 minutes before 1st light,
I'm running late.

In times past, I would sometimes get on stand around 10pm, and just sleep there. Problem was, I sometimes over-slept, as sometimes there were no crows or other "sounds" to wake me at first light. Sleeping on stand was much easier to do when I used an original "Tree Lounger" climber. Plus, those things were so hard to climb/descend (especially descend), made more sense to use them mainly just for longer "sits" and sleeping.

Cell phone set for a certain time to vibrate works fairly well, and I often do this now when I get on stand an hour or so before 1st light.
I shoot for 30 minutes before legal shooting light. As far as dropping stuff, yep gloves and can call are the most common items that I drop.
There was a time when I religiously went to my stand before daylight. For the last 20 years or so I never go before daylight. I've run so many deer off when going in while it was still dark that I've decided it don't make sense. These days I go in once it's light enough to see everything. I want to see what's running off if I can.
Last time I got into the stand real early I had a owl hit me 2 times about 30 minutes apart, first time knocked my hat off and put a hole right under each eye and cut my nose, the 2nd time I seen something against the stars and ducked, 4 holes in the top of my head. if not for being lucky I could have lost my sight. Had put on my face mask when I got set up so I wouldn't forget it. Oh and I seen the owl as a hawk jumped him out of a tree top 30yds away,had I known he was there I would have shot his sorry Hoot 🤣
I used to always be in while it's still dark but anymore I'm settled just a few minutes before. I usually plan for 15 mins before but ends up being 5 mins before. Lol.