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What are the gobblers doing now


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2008
monroe county tn
I hunt monroe county and up til last saturday the birds would gobble on the roost but shut up when they hit the ground. I haven't heard one gobble during the day either. got frustrated on saturday and went back to trout fishin sunday. I haven't been in the woods since. thinking of going tomorrow but wondering if they are more vocal?
same hear .....gobbling early .....by 8 all is quiet ....... weather here is going to be wet this weekend
This past weekend I had a tom gobble on roost early, like 5:15 or so. He hit the ground at about 5:25. He never shut up, he gobbled for 30 min or more. The hens flew down about 10 minutes later and then the Jakes. He died at 6:00 sharp. The last few days they have been quiet around here (Marhshall, Williamson Counties)
Gobbling ok on the roost and taking dirt naps by bout 8am here in meigs! Been part of a bird dying the past 4 days!
gobbling on the limb, silence once they hit the ground. Best I can tell the hens seem to be splitting from them now some, and the gobblers wake up alone, but the hens rejoin them shortly before flydown. It must be really late in the day when the hens are leaving them, because from what I have seen they stay pretty quiet most of the day. Still calling birds in for friends more times then not when we go, but only by getting ultra close to them on the roost, and NOT CALLING ALOT!!! Be cautious making one hammer his guts out on the limb, the more he gobbles the faster the hens get there.

One other thing, with all the two year old gobblers, there has to be a ton of 2 year old hens which may just now becoming into "season". If that is the case we may very well end the season with henned up birds. Only time will tell.
Everyday is different in the turkey woods. Ain't heard a turkey gobble in 6 straight days of huntin, mornin or afternoons. Pressure has turkeys on the mountain tough to kill right now. Hopefully those "gobbling turkey" hunters will hang it up soon and allow me and a few old timers to get down to business for the last 2 weeks.
Set up in a fresh disced field this morning and had 2 hammering directly across from me, along with several hens and jakes. Got all, or most, of the hens and jakes in the field with me but I didn't have time, before i had to leave for work, to get the LB's to break from their strut zone. Their easy to kill right now with a little time and patience.
Killed 2 birds last weekend gobbling and comming in like it was on a string. Brother in law called in one at 11:00 gobbling great! messsed up on bird, but he had a great hunt.

Right now for us they are committing suicide.
Gobbler hit the ground in my backyard this morning gobbled his head off for an hour then shut up,looked up 2 hours later he had 7 jakes 2 hens with him ,he spent the rest of the afternoon strutting in my yard,he must have known my shotgun was at the gunsmith's!
big B said:
Gobbler hit the ground in my backyard this morning gobbled his head off for an hour then shut up,looked up 2 hours later he had 7 jakes 2 hens with him ,he spent the rest of the afternoon strutting in my yard,he must have known my shotgun was at the gunsmith's!


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