What broadhead do you use for turkey hunting?

Mossy Oak

Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2005
Reaction score
Montgomery Co.
Just curious to see what broadhead everyone is using for turkey hunting. I think I may leave the shotgun at home this season and try and hunt all season with a bow.
You have more patience than me, thats for sure. the guys I know that bow hunt them use the same for deer, they just drop their poundage all the way down so the arrow will not pass through completely, and so they can hold their draw longer if they must.
ive killed a few with slick trick mags,the important thing is to choose your shots,hit em high[where wing attaches to body or higher]they die,hit em low they go[far away] i wait for a facing or straight away shot
Shot one this year from a treestand. Hit it strait square in the back and watched it fly away with my $24 arrow.
I used a Muzzy on the last one I killed with my bow. Never had the chance to kill one with a shotgun. But things are gonna change..