What calls will be in your vest this year?


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2001
Reaction score
Moss, Tennessee
I know it's still a while to turkey season but I thought I would post this for the heck of it. If nothing changes the calls in my vest will be

Lights Out ambrosia maple glass over glass with yellowheart striker
Lights Out white Oak slate over glass with black locust striker
Primos Box Cutter box call
Woodhaven mouth calls that I'm going to try (Red Wasp, Copperhead, and Copperhead 2) but I will also have an old faithful H.S. Strut Raspy Old Hen also
Wood Palmer's hoot tube, H.S. Crow call, Primos coyote/woodpecker/peacock call.
I think that is it as far as calls go
home made tube call for sure (probably bamboo)

probably also home made slate call

and also a home made diaphragm

maybe a store bought box call too (cheap brand dont remember what it is, even though I just bought it yesterday)

and my trusty primos power crow. Actually I use that for crows mainly

gonna see how my home made calls work. they sound good so far.
TurkeyBurd said:
Dang you carring a suit case? LOL

It ain't that bad. It could all be fit in the cargo pockets on my pants if I had to. LOL

I will say I usually start out like that and lighted the load as the season goes on.
Well I was looking at getting a couple of custom pot calls.... but I think I will wait until after the NWTF convention and the VOUS....

My would like to get something of is between:

LightsOut Custom Pot
Hooks Custom Pot
WarBird Custom Pot
Rope Reaper Custom Pot

WoodHaven Red Wasp, Copperhead
tun fo....just giving you a hard time.

TheAirMan said:
TurkeyBurd said:
Dang you carring a suit case? LOL

It ain't that bad. It could all be fit in the cargo pockets on my pants if I had to. LOL

I will say I usually start out like that and lighted the load as the season goes on.
Cody Woodsman slate call
M.A.D. Heavy Metal box call
Woodsman Red Scorpion mouth call
Knight and Hale crow, owl, and woodpecker calls
Primos True Double 2 mouth call
Knight and Hale 040 mouth call
HS Easy Rasp mouth call
HS box call
I carry a bunch of calls but mostly use my woodhaven red wasp.
Lights Out Aluminum call (have not bought yet)
Purple Haze slate call
Woodhaven Legacy glass call

i also carry a mix of 6 mouth calls in a lanyard but use the red wasp and HS half moon most of the time

Simmons Call tube call.

As the season goes on i end up with just the tube call and mouth calls tough and maybe 1 of the friction calls. I am not a fan personally of carrying a box call.
Woodhaven Cherry Crystal Classic- go to call

Some old Glass/Slate Combination - Great call, not sure of brand

Box Cutter- Primos

Woodhaven Mouth Calls- Red Wasp- Favorite, Copper Head, Copper Head II

Primos Mouth Calls- Limb Hanger

Crow Call
I don't overly like a box call either. I do use mine usually to strike up a bird, or to call on windy days, but I would rather a slate call any day.
spitndrum said:
Woodhaven in my mouth-The end!

thats my go to call (red wasp). But I have a few others in the arsenal.
pennswoods diaphram call for close calling
Kentucky Klucker slate call
Woodhaven glass call