What do you do ?


Well-Known Member
2-Step Enabled
Nov 19, 1999
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You see a strutting bird and you are sneaking up on him.
Walking up the edge of a wood line on the edge of a pasture.

You are keeping your eyes on the bird and moving slowly every time he turns away from you with his tail fanned out.

You come to a downed tree and slip silently through the branches, keeping as close to the edge as possible.

You are about 30 yards from being in position to fire at the bird over the rise of the ground that prevents a shot to that point.

All of a sudden you feel someone smack you on the side of the calf with a broom stick.

You look down just in time to see a copperhead racing off into the wood line.

You have been hit but all you can feel is the numb feeling of being hit.

What do you do?
I never felt it if concentrated on the gobbler :) !

Seriously, I don't know. What should one do? Tourniquet? Walk out? Call for help?
Kill the gobbler! The snake will probably die of the poison of biting me according to my wife and daughter. :-D
Call that turkey around to your side of the downed tree and shoot him in the head.
I'd probably shoot the copperhead in case he did penetrate my boot and skin the doctors would know how big of a snake it was. I'd then have to change my underwear before getting out of there. The turkey would live to chase another day.
First, I don't bushwhack turkeys so I wouldn't be in that particular situation you lay out.

Second, I wear snake boots because I'd prefer to not get bit.

Third, I have a sixth sense for snakes, and somehow see them well before I get on top of them.

Fourth, if I saw the snake I step over or around it and leave him be. Lived on this earth for 38 years and never killed a snake, and don't plan on changing that any time soon.
take off my boot and make sure it didn't puncher it, if it did then I take the necessary steps to take care of myself. if he didn't puncher it then its game on again.
I don't care if it was a rat snake I would have a hart attack. It would be the bird's lucky day, I would most likely never hunt again if I lived.
Setterman said:
First, I don't bushwhack turkeys so I wouldn't be in that particular situation you lay out.

Me either, ... usually.

However, the few times I have, it was a rush and usually ended unsuccessfully. You ought to try it sometime :D !
Shoot the bird, if the snake did get you. You'll have a better recovery time, at least you'll know it was worth the trip. If you don't get the beard it would sux big time. (ha)
String Music said:
I wouldn't be in the wood line. I'd be in the middle of the field crawling behind my decoy! J/k..

Oh man, if you slither over one and he nails you :sick: Where do you apply a testicular tourniquet? Speaking about a "big" bird. :o

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