What gun?

Todd Lamb

Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2009
Reaction score
East TN.
I've killed 2 turkeys this year and was making it number 3 when the barrel blew apart on my 500 mossberg,I can get a new barrel for $200 but have to wait for it to be shipped plus buying a choke for it,so I'm goning to buy a new gun so who is making in everybodys opion the best turkey gun right now? I would also consider selling my mossberg it's a 12ga 500 pump without the barrel it does have camo duck tape on it so if you take the tape off you will have a sticky mess.
what caused the barrel to bust if you dont mind me asking?,I might be interested in buying whats left ,mossburg or rem in a pump action,
I had a brand new Remington 11-87 SPS-T that blew apart. I put that junk back in the box, sent it to the manufacturer, and they sent me a brand new one (which I promptly sold). You might see if there's a replacement policy.

There's just so many good options these days but take a look at Oldgobbler.com in the Turkey Guns section...tons of good information there. Good luck with whatever you choose.
mossberg 535 with the waterfowl barrel, not the turkey barrel. the advantage of the 535 is that they are slimmer and liter than the 835's and have a 3.5 pound trigger from the factory- very light. mine came with a waterfowl barrel and turkey barrel. the longer barrel patterned 3x better. if they are inside 55, they are dead
The gun is close to 20 years old if not older,I dont know why the barrel broke.I tried calling mossberg to see if they would make the barrel up but it's 42 minute wait to talk to someone I sent them a E-mail and they havent replied yet. Mike243 I will sale everything but the barrel I dont live far from Lake City or Oliver Springs if your interested in it I would take $75 for it.
Anybody use a Stoeger automatic they look good and they are owened or made by Benelli I read all the reveiws on gander mountain web site and nobody had anything bad to say about them?
Todd Lamb said:
Anybody use a Stoeger automatic they look good and they are owened or made by Benelli I read all the reveiws on gander mountain web site and nobody had anything bad to say about them?

just do a search for Stoeger on this board. More the a few of us use them and they are a HECK of a gun. I have the 2000 and 3500 models and paired with the right choke are up at the top of the list IMO for turkey hunting and duck hunting. Lightweight, super easy to clean and chrome lined barrels.

add a pistol grip stock for under $100 and you have a turkey gun you will LOVE. feel free to PM me with any questions about those models you may have, im happy to answer anything you may need to know about them.
I have a stoeger m2000 and its the best shooting gun I've ever shot besides some high ends berattas and BenEllis. Would highly recommend and would and probably will buy another .
Heard good things about the M2000,although I own a condor O/U and it is basically unusable junk. I carry a 28" barreled 835 with me and never had a problem with it,although it is pretty heavy.
Got the 935 waterfowl mossberg for the longer barrel and a jelly head extra-full choke,gonna try and slip out of work early sat.morning to see if I can get number 3 for the year.Thanks for all the suggestions.

I've been toting around my 870 Super Magnum since the first year they came out. With all the new chokes out and the Hevishot #7 and Heavyweight #7 I am converting over and lightening my load so-to-speak and going with a 20 gauge. This gun is mainly for my daughter, but I'll be carrying it when she isn't hunting with me. It was between a Remington 11-87 and a Franchi Affinity. Due to a few things I went with the Remington. It is a little heavier - therefore less felt recoil for her. It was quite a bit cheaper leaving me money for a Truglo Strut Stopper Xtreme (SSX) choke, some shells, and still a little to go toward a Burris Fastfire III for it. And lastly parts are easy to come by for it if and when it ever needs them. From what I hear the Franchi might be a little difficult to get parts in a timely manner. If this thing performs as good as my son's 870 20 gauge with an Indian Creek choke tube shooting Hevishot #6 it will be wicked. I'm expecting it to actually perform a little better. The 870 and this 1187 are both lights out 40-45 yard guns every day of the week. I've killed a few over the years with my Super Magnum at the 50-55 yard mark. When I have the 20 - I won't be slinging pellets over the 45 yard mark.
870, 3.5,black diamond strike choke,Hevi shot magnum blend. Has rolled gobblers to 62 yds, roll back over dead,bust the highest river birch and cotton wood tops. Squirrels also with this choke and 23/4 6s,doves at extreme ranges.