I'm sure I'm going to get lambasted for this, and this is not a criticism against any particular person or viewpoint (what works for one person may not work for another), but I often see hunters being advised to hunt longer and hunt harder. It is certainly true that you can't kill anything while sitting on the couch. It is also true that the more time spent afield the greater the opportunity to encounter an animal you are after. However, hunting longer and harder in the wrong location, or at the wrong time, is not going to help you much.
For those who have a single property they are hunting, it may be more advantageous to hunt smarter (find the best ambush locations) and wait until the best time to hunt. This may mean hunting less, not more. Waiting until the best time to hunt rut-crazed bucks until just before the rut kicks into high gear may produce far better results than pressuring those deer all pre-rut until they've learned to avoid those top locations. In essence, hunting longer/harder either at the wrong time or the wrong location may be doing far more harm than good.