What is wrong with her?


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2011
Reaction score
Cunningham TN
I believe I remember reading about this here before but don't remember. Her tongue is hanging out.
Fever from serious EHD infection will cause that. EHD is a very plausible theory this summer. Jaw injury could be the cause as well. What county?
I've seen pictures of bucks who had torn their tongue muscles and their tongues hung out constantly, but that doe's tongue looks really swollen.
Could she have possibly gotten a mouth full of yellow jackets, or super unlucky and got snake bit on her tongue ? She looks healthy otherwise ..
poor thing. That cant be pleasant. I think a mercy killing would be her best outcome. I think TWRA wouldnt object considering your documentation of the situation.
Well, the fawn she's supporting complicates that MO.
Those pictures were taken from my mower as I was mowing. She was laying in the neighbors yard. I videoed her for a few minutes. She didn't get up until I started to move again. She was slow to stand. Poor girl. I thought for a while that it was some type of rodent in her mouth but when she stood up I could clearly see it was her tongue and also had slobber dripping off of it.
Good chance of EHD I seen one standing in a creek some years ago. Not sure if the tongue was as bad as that one in the pic. But who knows what's really happening