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Food Plots What to mix in my fall clover


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2011
Henry County TN
I have a plot that I want to be a clover field moving forward. I find I have better results if I plant my clover in the fall, but that makes that plot not very attractive in that first year. So I want to plant something in with my clover that may bring deer in until the spring when the clover takes off. Oats is my first guess, any other ideas?
I would plant winter wheat with it. Then you can spray it with a selective herbicide next summer after the wheat goes to grain.
I have the same question but I put clover in this spring. What do y'all think about me mixing in some turnips this fall?
I've converted most all of my plots to clover and have a system that has worked for several years. I plant a mixture of perennial clovers along with wheat. Each spring I mow and spray. Mow again in early fall. Then when the time is right, I very lightly disc and overseed with wheat. Its that simple and has been very successful. Have a couple that I planted in 2008 and the clover today is so thick that it keeps most of the unwanted weeds out.
You cant beat winter wheat and winter oats in a ladino white clover plot! Deer love this and I am willing to say that this mix is very.................very hard to beat for overall production and performance and "use". 10 seasons of proof. :cool:

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