What was the most suicidal bird you have encountered?


Active Member
Feb 22, 2018
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Ive had a few come in running full speed, but had one that was much more desperate. This bird was gobbling on the edge of a cow pasture about a quarter-mile away, across a massive gorge. I didn't know crap about turkey hunting to be honest. I didnt have anyone that taught me anything about it. I was calling to that thing non stop and he shut up. I shut up. About 10 minutes later I heard wings on the branches and a crash on the ridge 50 yards below me. After the crash came a big gobble. He strutted right to me and died. That was the first season I started killing birds. I killed three in the last week of season. I thought I was some sort of turkey whisperer lol. Didn't, help that I killed a stud 15 minutes into opening day of the next season either. Anyways, have you guys ever had one go the extra-mile to get themselves killed?
I've had a few like that, but not many. The craziest one for me was a hot two year old on opening morning few years ago. Gobbled non stop in tree, I yelped, he flew down right in front of me, didn't have my gun up, he spooked and ran off, and crossed a cow pasture and got on another ridge and started gobbling. I went over there, set up on him, called, he gobbled and popped his head over the rise and I shot him.

Only turkey that I think I've spooked and killed in the same day, within 10 minutes of each other too.

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Hard to say, but might have been bird #4 of the 2014 season. He never gobbled, I was on a WMA listening to a couple birds hammering off on private land, when I looked out into this private field and saw a big dark turkey on a dead run down the field edge straight towards me. I dropped back over the edge of a small embankment about 20 yards and watched through poison ivy leaves at the opening in the fence. Sure nuff he came right up into the opening, I saw his beard, and I killed him on the property line. It wasn't long after 6am and was hot off the roost.

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Most I kill lol. Probably the bird from a week or so ago, he was a kamikaze and dead in about 40 seconds from the time I sat down.
Its late afternoon . Im easing down edge of field on some very pressured property.I spot birds 70 yds away ,,,its wide open field. One of the birds is a huge gobbler. Im thinking they see me , they gonna run and fly like quail. They all look at me and start walking toward me....I keep standing they get within 40 yds . I ease gun up , they keep coming, 30 yds I shoot and roll him. I still dont know why or how that happened. Most time i can be 20 yds in the woods on my belly and birds will put and run! This happened 17 or 18 yrs ago.
About 10 years ago. Struck one running and gunning 400 yds away in the woods. He was literally at 15 yards in 5 minutes. Full blown run right to me. Gobbled twice on his way in, but he was running so fast to me he didn't have time to talk much

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I had one gobble this year at 11:55 I set up on him and and killed him before the clock turned. Like 45 seconds. Had one a few years ago that flew off a bluff Probably 1000 yards i watched him as he lit in a field 100 yards away. No sooner than his feet was on the ground a coyote spooked him
I've had a few lone Toms roosted and when I set up 70yds from them I'd tree yelp and do a fly down with a wing. I carry and they would pitch out real fast and literally fly to me and land 5yds from me lol. Those were always my favorite