What would be

Tn Cur

Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2009
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A good all around automatic shotgun for dove/turkey hunting 2 3/4-3" that don't break the bank. Sold my 870 supermag it didn't like 2 3/4" shells. Want a 3" auto Thanks
Don't want to spend more than $500-600 max. What does a used 11-87 sell for on average?
There are certain 11-87s that you want to avoid. I think the Sportsman may be one of them but not sure. Someone else may know more then me on that. You should be able to find a good used 11-87 in that price range since you are looking for 3 inch chamber.
The one I have is an 11-87 Premier that had the wood stock and forearm with blue finish. I have had this gun for over 16 years, my grandfather bought it for me as a Christmas gift. I have used it for skeet, ducks, geese, rabbits, doves, quail, and crows. I have shot thousands of rounds through it and the only thing I have had to replace was the ejector finger several years ago. Mailed Remington a letter and they sent the replacement part free of charge. It is my favorite shotgun.
I bought a Mossberg 935 last year. I got a pretty good deal @$450 brand new. Shoots 3" and 3.5" only. I've seen mixed reviews...some love it, others hate it. Thus far, I've put about 50-60 rounds thru it and not a single hang up yet. I haven't had the opportunity to shoot at anything but I plan to this spring.
drrxnupe said:
I bought a Mossberg 935 last year. I got a pretty good deal @$450 brand new. Shoots 3" and 3.5" only. I've seen mixed reviews...some love it, others hate it. Thus far, I've put about 50-60 rounds thru it and not a single hang up yet. I haven't had the opportunity to shoot at anything but I plan to this spring.

Only thing about a 935 is like you said 3-3.5 inch shells, and it won't sling a 2 3/4 for nothing I have tried, he is wanting to Dove Hunt with one?