What's your favorite holster for concealed carry?


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2008
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What type of holster do you like? I have been carrying in a Tagua
paddle holster and it has been ok. With a very loose shirt it only prints a little. Now, I am opening a store in Jackson and want to be as discreet as possible. I want to take every precaution so customers don't know I am carrying.

I have carried IWB and hate it when it's hot because of sweating and leather don't mix. So I am looking for recommendations.
Crossbreed for me. A sport under shirt (like an Under Armor compression shirt) takes care of the sweat situation in the summer.
I carry an Alessi Talon, worn outside the waistband, between my belt and jeans. If I want to conceal, I just leave my shirt over it.
I really like the Crossbreed Supertuk or Galco Kingtuk. Here lately I've been carrying my S&W Shield in a Bladetech klipt holster. I really like it.

I've carried a G30 and a couple Kimber 1911s in Mtac's as well. They were nice holsters.
The best way to hide a gun, in my opinion, is a pocket holster. Obviously this limits the weapons you can choose from to something small. If discretion is what you're after I think a lcp, lc9, small 38 or something along those lines can't be topped in a front pocket holster. In the summer I carry a lcp in my front pocket and it's as light as my iphone.
I use a Don Humes JIT slide holster. Works for me.

I used to use a Blackhawk Sherpa Holster. I liked the retention aspect of it, but didn't like the way it stuck out when carrying it. It was a little difficult to carry concealed, especially in the summer months. I finally sold it.
If you want to take "every precaution" then consider this. A 1 1/8 inch .22 mag from NAA. I carry one in my dress pants when I know I am going to a business meeting. As small as my car keys. 5 shots of 45 gr Hornady Critical Defense. It will not print at all. No holster. There are always trade offs. If the premium is on concealment, then here you are.
I carry a Ruger LCP in a Tagua pocket holster in my right front pocket. No one ever knows its there.

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