Which 3D deer target do yal recommend?

McKenzie has the more realistic looking ones but since joining with Delta, the overall quality has gone down. I shot the ASA Classic this past weekend and we started with brand new targets...by the time we got to the last few targets on a 20 target range, they were shot up really bad...after about 75-100 shots. By the 2nd day after we swapped ranges, the targets took a beating with big holes and hunks of foam missing. Keep in mind they were only shot a max of 200 times....179 to be exact...with bows 288 or less fps and with target points.

Rinehart targets are much better material for shooting but their animals look sort of goofy to me lol. They hold up to hundreds of shots though without wearing bad.
I have to agree with CT�Rineharts are the best 3D target. Our Mckenzie targets do not hold near as well as our Rineharts. The Rineharts are more expensive in the beginning, but considering the durability of them they are cheaper over the long run.
Agree with CT too. Rhinehart makes a better target but to me I don't like the look of the deer targets. not very realistic.We shoot the McKenzie at our club and I think they old up pretty well.
The expensive Rineharts ($500) are top notch, but the new Woodland Buck is OK. I used to complain on the flimsy Glendel bucks but the insert is great. It is a cube and can be rotated several ways.

The Rinehart Woodland Buck can not be rotated and the vitals wear out quickly if you shoot ALOT.
If you are a tournament shooter, buy a Block and keep changing sides.

If you are a hunter, buy a mcKenzie and never shoot it with b'heads.
I wouldn't wish a Block target on my worse of enemies. They DO NOT hold up to shots...even with a tournament setup.

The Rinehart 18-1 target is a very inexpensive target...can be used for all types of arrows....broadheads too. I have had mine about 3 years or more...might be about 4 years now. I've yet to shoot through mine and it has stood up to THOUSANDS of shots. With broadheads too BUT mostly with field tips. They also make a square target with deer vitals on it and dots on the other sides...I have not shot that particular target but it's made of the same material as the 18-1 so I guess it should be about the same result.

The better deer targets by Rinehart are just about $250-$300. Look them up on eBay. Those are what I want.