Stars do matter on the college level. Otherwise, Northwestern would win the national championship and not Alabama. There are 127 FBS teams and 85 scholarship athletes per team for 10,795 football players on scholarship each season. Now, some high school seniors don't progress, others continue to mature, and the best programs recruit the 5 stars and best 4 stars and develop them. Alabama has the most players in the NFL and Ohio State is close behind with LSU, Florida, Georgia, Clemson close behind for a reason. Frankly, I don't know why the other SEC schools don't compete better against Alabama given the richness of talent in the South. But that said, I laugh at Michigan. They developed Tom Brady into a sixth round draft pick. On a 53 player NFL roster, you've got a few stars, but the draft and salary cap mandate drafting and signing free agents to fit your system and then hope you don't get bit by the injury bug. The draft, salary cap, how Rozelle set up the NFL so every team should go 8-8, differences in hash marks, different rules on ineligible players downfield (can't run Sarkisian's offense in the NFL), and other differences places much more premium on the front office and staffs in the NFL than on talent, save for select positions.