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Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2010
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Franklin TN
Why is there such an elitist attitude among turkey hunters regarding how you hunt/kill turkeys? I'm merely a sophomore turkey hunter and it didn't take me long to realize a lot look down on you for things such as fall hunting, bushwhacking, hen killing, limb shooting, etc...

Sorry if I offend some people and I'm not trying to start a flame war, so don't get my thread locked....

Calling in a tom in the spring is probably the best way to hunt them as I think most would agree. If that's the only way you hunt them I completely understand. I prefer it that way too. If you say any other way of hunting them is not turkey hunting, that's what I don't get. Remember there are those who actually want the meat...

I am proud to be a "turkey killer," whatever the heck that is supposed to mean. I am also a turkey hunter... I do not shoot them over corn piles, I abide by the laws, and although I have shot one off the roost, that is not a trend of mine. I don't walk out of the car and go pop a turkey; that would be turkey killing. I put hours into hunting them and learning about their behavior and being busted by them. I may call one in, bushwhack one, or shoot a flock in the fall, but it's still hunting to me.

Also I noticed a lot who look down on fall hunting have never even tried it. Maybe you just don't care for turkey meat, I don't know.

Just wondering why there is this attitude and I hope nobody feels like this is a personal attack... it's not supposed to be, it's a reaction. also I am almost afraid to join OldGobbler.com because I don't want to be hit by the same elitist attitude...

You may say I should just keep hunting the way I hunt and don't worry about what others say. I guess I should, and maybe I will. But I love this forum and love to share my experiences and it kind of gets me down when certain things are said. Maybe I would be better off ignoring it... I probably would... Just have to vent this one time. Get some thoughts off my chest that have been piling up, you know?

And no matter what your views on the topic are, keep hunting the way you hunt, I have nothing against it.
I honestly don't care what folks do with their time, as long as it doesn't impact me. Within the laws obviously.

I have been playing this game forever and been very fortunate, and anymore I want my hunts to satisfy certain things. I want to kill turkeys and a bunch of them, but am set on the tactics I enjoy.

Others can choose theirs, just don't affect me and we're good
Personally I'm happy if you are happy. :) I've never had one come in like they do on tv-never. If they did I'd have killed a bunch of them.

Sometiems I feel bad on the forum I moderate. I moderate the GTA Air Gun forum's Hunting Gate. I simply choose the right weapon for what I'm hunting. If it is an air gun that is cool, but I'm not an elitist and think that the "only" thing I can hunt with is an air gun because I'm a forum moderator. The good thing is those guys are great and if I'm happy they are happy. I cheer just as much for them getting a deer with a bow, shotgun, ML or bow.

Some states allow air gun hunting for turkeys! One of the guys over there got one with a headshot. I wonder how that would go over in TN? :D
I understand your point man. I asked a question the other day that mentioned fall and you would have thought fall turkey hunting is wrong!!... answers to a question when does it usually start = dont know dont care....who cares, etc...

haha...I personally just enjoy hunting and the opportunity to be in the outdoors learning about the world around me.
Not just turkey hunters.
Deer hunters, fishermen, all of these groups have groups within the groups that hunt or fish the "only" right way and heaven forbid you differ from the perfect way and means.

Abide by the law and enjoy the outdoors, leave the rest by the wayside.

In time you will be like many more and forced into holding back on stories and / or pictures of your outdoor activities except to your true friends and hunting partners to escape the "holier than thou" redicule that is so prevelant these days.

As I have said many times and believe it more and more, the hunters worst enemy, is other hunters.

In honor of Buckwild,,,, YMMV.
I look at it like this
I dont worry about what everyone else thinks or how they hunt as long as its legal and I dont criticize someone for how they choose to hunt
Catman...You can't worry about what other people think or say especially when you put it out their on the web for the world to see. Gotta have thick skin and let it roll off your back. I hunt the way I do because I enjoy it and I hope you do the same. I don't care for fall turkey hunting but that doesn't mean nobody else should not do it. Basically if it's within the laws and your internal moral / ethical boundaries then by all means go for it and have fun! Now go fill that last tag.
You can't worry about that, personally I'm gonna try to kill one by any legal means I have to use.
pure jealousy...from my experience is all i can say. sometimes you have to be able to shift on the fly,and take any opportunity that presents itself..legal of course.
I am bothered by this attitude as well. In my opinion, the two most challenging turkeys I have every killed were birds I saw from a distance and was able to stalk up to and kill them.

A lot of folks don't consider that real turkey hunting.

I have killed birds about every way you can, traditional locate/set up/call in, from a ground blind mid day just sitting and waiting, in the fall with a bow from my deer stand, and spot/stalk/belly crawl style.

The two that I stalked were definetly the most challenging. So I don't get the elitist attitude either. Some people just think their way to do things is pure and they are closed minded to all other tactics, but the way I see it, any legal way to harvest your game is a good way.
I agree with you. People who want to hunt certain ways only is great but just because somebody else doesn't want to do it your way gives you NO right to bash them. Those people are generally miserable people anyway. I mean do they only shoot deer if they call them in on a string? I doubt it or they don't kill much that's for sure. as long as your legal keep on hunting!
I'll bite. Its because we all have a passion for what we do. Sometimes people get carried away and believe everyone should have the same type of passion as them. I think you will find out that you will get caught up in it to. do you beleive because you are hunting on public land that somehow its harder than private land? Its just different. Yes maybe more pressure or maybe not. I thought it was a great hunt and happy for you. Most are just giving an opinion so don't get to caught up on the idiots
I am not in the business of pleasing everybody else. Ill do it my way(legal BTW) and go on about my rat killin. Dont let the TnDeer Fifes get to ya man. Keep whackin em.
In answer to your original question catman, it all goes back to history and tradition.

The history is that the comeback from near extinction level of the wild turkey to huntable populations to the near nuisance level they can be today is lost on many (and I mean those that have recently taken up the sport in the last 20 years or so). I can still remember the days where there were no birds and very few deer in Maury County. I can still remeber when just hearing a bird gobble made your entire season worhtwhile in West TN.

For those that have historically had populations of birds in areas that legal hunting was possible, very few turkey hunters were successful in killing birds...and those who did consistently kill birds did so with remarkably similiar tactics...therefore the traditional tactics were born in order to breed success amongst less successful turkey hunters. As populations grew, more successful tactics were developed which flew in the face traditionalists causing an elitism among certain factions. Basically those who were taught by traditionalist seem elitist...those who have recently learned on their own are much more open minded.

As for fall turkey hunting, Archibal Rutledge said it best when he claimed the toughest trophy in North America is calling a mature tom to the gun in the fall. Anybody can do it in the spring.
Don't worry bout what they have to say man. And come on over to OG there are plenty over there that fall huntturkeys I wish Morgan county had a fall season I would love to try it.
Trevor2 said:
Don't worry bout what they have to say man. And come on over to OG there are plenty over there that fall huntturkeys I wish Morgan county had a fall season I would love to try it.

morgan county has had a fall season for the last several years.
stik said:
Trevor2 said:
Don't worry bout what they have to say man. And come on over to OG there are plenty over there that fall huntturkeys I wish Morgan county had a fall season I would love to try it.

morgan county has had a fall season for the last several years.
I haven't seen it on the list in the book? Maybe I overlooked it.