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WI learn to hunt program


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2007
Nashville, TN and Louisville, KY
very good...we need more things like this. If you have never tried/taught a young adult how to hunt it is hard to understand, but it is flat out work and constant sales pitching.

I like the comment about someone in your spot on opening day [of duck season].
Its a great program. Probably 1 of two things the WI DNR did right. I didn't take the course but I would have if I new about it when I started hunting again.

I hunted when I was young but in my late teens stopped, never game hunted while in the Army and didn't start till I was out for a few years.

Question though, do adults have to take a hunter saftey in TN? They do in Wisconsin only if born after 1973, I think. But since I'll miss this up coming fall, due to the moves timing, is this something I want to take ASAP to be ready for a possible spring turkey hunt and next years deer season?
Redfred16 said:
Question though, do adults have to take a hunter saftey in TN? They do in Wisconsin only if born after 1973, I think. But since I'll miss this up coming fall, due to the moves timing, is this something I want to take ASAP to be ready for a possible spring turkey hunt and next years deer season?
This link should answer most of your questions. If you have further specific questions, I suggest asking them in the TWRA forum so you can get an official answer from a TWRA employee.

Andy S. said:
Redfred16 said:
Question though, do adults have to take a hunter saftey in TN? They do in Wisconsin only if born after 1973, I think. But since I'll miss this up coming fall, due to the moves timing, is this something I want to take ASAP to be ready for a possible spring turkey hunt and next years deer season?
This link should answer most of your questions. If you have further specific questions, I suggest asking them in the TWRA forum so you can get an official answer from a TWRA employee.


Much appreciated. That what Wisconsin does also. I just haven't sat down and looked at all the TN regulations yet. I know I looked at thier deer registration procedure, I might take a hunters saftey course for a walk through on that alone. Up here you buy a tag(its not active for 24 hours after purchase), tag dead deer, drive deer to registration station(which about 1/2 of them are processors also)if its a doe, you can go buy another doe tag for the next day(normally at the the registration station and processor).