Wierdest set up disasters?


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
Reaction score
Polk County
I was cuttn and runin on a public access road on aedc this morning.I struck a hot bird 150 yards off the road.I set up began calling and he was closing the distance,gobbling and double gobbling. I had my gun raised waiting on the bird to show himself when a military police car came screaming down the gravel road in the middle of nowhere.Destroying what hopes I had of tagging that bird. I actually seen the bird run away putting thru the woods.I took my facemask off and sighed now I have seen everything.Thats turkey hunting. Anyone else have strange things happen when there set up that blows the hunt?
I remember a hunt that was really shaping up well blown by a low flying helicopter. Another time, had a bird gobbling every other breath and all of sudden he hushes and flies up in a tree. 10 minutes later here comes a bobcat stalking the hen (me).

Glad I saw the cat before he pounced...that might have hurt a little.
Had a guy in the 1980's walk in front of me while calling at a bird at LBL.I whistled and he sat down 20 yards between me and the bird.The Tom appeared in full strut,Dirtnap by the Walker.I was 14 at the time,got lost on the way out.Found a Hiking trail Kiosk with a map and got my bearings.