Food Plots Wild Onions


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2011
Reaction score
Decatur Co
I did a search but couldn't find anything. I have a clover field I planted last fall that is coming in pretty well. The most prevalent weed I need to take care of is Wild Onions. I have a little grass and plan on spaying some clethodim when needed. Will that take out the onions too? Or maybe the deer like the onions. There are enough of them that I can smell them as I walk through the field.

So, what should I do - other than add some peas and carrots ;)

From what I've read you need Trimec. It will take about 2-3 years to kill most of the wild onions and garlic. Be careful not to over spray or spray more than once a season as it will kill your clover
From what I can tell, both Trimec and Harmony will kill my clover. Trimec is used by a lot of golf courses for that very purpose along with killing onions. And it looks like Harmony is used to kill wild onions and clover in grain fields, at least that's what the label indicates that I just read.

Thanks for the suggestions. Guess I'm still on the hunt. Keep the ideas coming.....
You could rotate your plots into wheat for a couple years once the clover plays out. Then you can take the opportunity to rid yourself, at least temporarily, of the onions and any broadleaf weeds. The deer and turkeys won't mind a bit, and you can come back to clover once the plant back period has passed for the herbicide you choose.
I'd like to thank everyone for their responses. I have to remind myself that this is merely a small plot for deer. If this was a cash crop field I'd probably proceed differently. I won't be applying anything as it is probably overkill (unintended pun) to do so on a brand new clover field for deer. Hopefully it will be several years before it plays out and I rotate it to something else so I'll keep an eye on it and do my proper cutting and maybe spray for grasses.

Thanks everyone. I appreciate the input.
I looked at one of our long time established clover plots yesterday, and for the first time ever it now as wild onions in it. Have no idea how they got there, but farily well dispersed over the entire 1 acre.Out of 20+ clover plots this is the only one with them. Not sure how to handle as clover is thick & lush, except for these new weeds...
The wild onions will not affect the clover enough to be concerned about it. Keep the pH up by liming and fertilize to soil test recs and the clover should out grow the onions over the next few weeks.